Due to container throughput increase, increased rail traffic as well as emergence of the private rail operators offering their services to/from Adriatic Gate Container Terminal, we have noticed that some improvement could be introduced in order to facilitate better planning and rail track utilization.


For this purpose, our IT department has, in cooperation with Intermodal department of AGCT Operations, created an additional module in the Web application "AGCT Intermodal Community System". AGCT ICS application combines in one place the Railway Agent as the one giving work order, AGCT as the terminal carrying out he requested operations and the Train Operators which is in charge of rail composition set up at the Intermodal yard tracks. This way communication between all involved parties is facilitated, as well as the overview of the track availability at a given time.


When making a reservation the client has a clear overview of the current announcements status for the selected day:



Or for few days in advance:



AGCT's Intermodal department as an Administrator has the ability to block slots when the tracks are not available or input previously contracted slots for clients that reserve the time of a specific week day, shown at the upper clips as Unavailable or Contracted.


For clients that have contracted routes and are arriving regularly at the same time, the Track Reservation on a daily, weekly and monthly basis function was created.